Welcome to the contact page for Redexim’s locations. Here, you can find comprehensive contact details for our offices worldwide, including the Netherlands, United Kingdom, and North America. Whether you need assistance, support, or have inquiries, reach out to our headquarters or regional offices to get the help you need. Explore the global reach of Redexim and connect with us today.
Kwekerijweg 8
3709 JA Zeist
The Netherlands
t: +31 (0)30 69 33 227
e: redexim@redexim.com
Unit 9, Weydown Road Industrial Estate
Haslemere, Surrey
GU27 1DW
United Kingdom
t: +44 (0) 1428 661222
e: sales@redeximuk.com
427 W Outer Road
Valley Park
MO 63088
United States
t: +1 (0)636 825 8300
e: sales@redeximna.com